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Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing relies on face-to-face aggressive sales marketing.

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$20Pr Hr w/a 4hr min
PosterGirl Marketing, PR & Media®

Описание услуги

Much of guerrilla marketing success relies on aggressive face-to-face interaction, combined with digital, and social media campaigns. Due to the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic, plus CDC mandated stay-at-home orders, except essential workers - face-to-face contact sales are limited to 6 feet distance. PosterGirl Marketing developed a strong return on investment online digital sales and marketing strategy campaigns to ensure your business or brand thrives and continues to generate multiple streams of revenue. Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy in which a company uses surprise and unconventional interactions to promote a product or service. It is a type of publicity. When guerrilla marketing tactics on the street combined with digital and social-media-driven promotions, the bond between a company and its new customers can grow even more successfully.


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