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온라인 서비스 가능

Branding or Rebranding

Brand or Rebrand your company franchise, business, or organization.

1시PosterGirl Marketing, PR & Media®

서비스 내용

Branding is the term used to describe the overall design and promotion of a company, its products and services. Branding involves selecting the colors and design elements used in creating a logo and consistently labeling and packaging all products using similar elements to brand the recognition of the company into the minds of consumers. Branding also involves recognition of a company’s overall message, which is woven into design elements and marketing features. Rebranding is the term used to describe taking an existing brand and changing or altering its message and design elements. Rebranding is a marketing strategy in which a new name, term, symbol, design, or combination thereof is created for an established brand to develop a new, differentiated identity in the minds of consumers, investors, competitors, and other stakeholders.

연락처 정보

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